Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader?

Yes, my son likes this show. How did it happen? I don't know. OK, I sorta know. Every afternoon, I start making dinner at 4:30pm. Early I know. But my husband generally gets home around 5pm and is starving! My big boy is usually hungry by that time too.

So I put on the small tv in the kitchen and start dinner. At about 4:45pm I put Mikey in his high chair and finish dinner. Oh, and my son is watching whatever PBS show is on. We don't have cable on our small little tv. Why? We only watch it in the kitchen when we're cooking.

About 5 times now, I've forgotten to change the channel. And instead of watching PBS, it's on FOX. On "Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader?" And Mikey just laughs hysterically. It's so cute! I even had to record a video for our families. Mike just loves to get home a little early to see too.

I don't know if it's the host, the kids, the lights. But whatever it is, my son loves it! And he laughs. Even when they are just showing the promo commercials for it. :)


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