Thursday, May 27, 2010

2 vs 1

Lately, I've been stressing a little bit. About going from 1 little boy, to 2. You know, this is a big adjustment. I was almost in a panic by this time during my 1st pregnancy. But we had a ton of support! And I did OK. Mostly because of Mike.

Now, I'm really stressed out. 2 little boys. Am I in over my head? Fine time to think about that. I'm a nut! Mike keeps telling me to just breathe. That it's going to be OK. I know he's right. But I also know it's going to be a little challenging.

For one, we're definitely not going to sleep. That's not new. All new parents lose tons of sleep! My worry is whether or not we are going to have enough time with each of our kids. You know, will Mikey feel neglected? Will we pay enough attention to the baby? I always feel like parents don't take the same amount of pictures of 2nd and 3rd babies. They forget to document all those things that they did with their 1st baby.

I want to be a good mom. But most of all, I want for my kids to feel loved. To feel special. And know that we love them so very much! I just hope I'm ready for everything in our future.


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