Monday, April 30, 2012

Gardening on the Brain

Lately, I've had gardening on the brain. Do you remember this post? Well, I'm still looking for ways to "beautify" our yard. I like doing fun and unexpected projects. Here are a few ideas, that I've recently come across.

What do you think of this? A little vertical growing unit. And all those potted plants. I just love how this looks.

And this sweet, little idea. Would add a ton of color to our yard. Wouldn't this be so fun? You could build them around a deck. As the corners. Now that would be nice!

Lastly, is this idea from Home Depot. Have you noticed the commercial? The first time I seen it, I told Mike, that he needed to build us some of these! I'm thinking it would also be nice as an herb garden. Near the kitchen.

Have you started gardening yet? I know that we're late at it this year. But when I should have started, I was 8 months pregnant. And since then, well I've just been enjoying my kids. Although, a friend helped me plant some bulbs, early in Spring. They're just starting to pop out of the ground. :) And sometime this week, we're going to go pick up some plants. You know, veggies and stuff. Let's see what we can get done this season.


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